Please note our Transportation Permit Forms are Customized to our County. If applying for a permit in our County, please use these forms below.
PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE *Effective 7-26-21
The following new Transportation Permit process and Forms are effective January 1, 2018.
Forms may be faxed or emailed, but will not be issued until payment received. If you are emailing please use if you are faxing please use 989-673-3294. **Please note that during the summer months our offices are not open on Fridays. No permits will be issued on Fridays during that time. Current Certificate of General Liability listing the following:
General Liability of at least $1,000,000each occ./gen. aggregate, Automobile Liability of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit ea. Accident, bod. inj., and Prop. Damage At least $500,000 for bodily injury per person and it must list Tuscola County Road Commission as Certificate Holder must be on file.
Please review the following Rules for the Movement of Oversize or Overweight Vehicles and Loads.
Rules for the Movement of Oversize or Overweight Vehicles and Loads
Payment can be made by mailing or dropping off a check at the Tuscola County Road Commission Caro location or online using the GovPayNet ( system below:

Extended Annual Transportation Permit Requirements
Extended Annual Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $100.00
Single Move Transportation Permit Requirements
Single Move Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $25.00 Round Trip, $50.00 Multiple Trips up to 3 days
Extended Annual Mobile Home Transportation Permit Requirements
Extended Annual Mobile Home Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $100.00
Single Move Mobile Home Transportation Permit Requirements
Single Move Mobile Home Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $50.00 Single Trip up to 3 business days
Refuse Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $100.00
Seasonal Milk Transportation Permit Requirements
Seasonal Milk Transportation Permit Form
Super Move Transportation Permit Requirements
Super Move Transportation Permit Form
FEE: $100.00 per move (Per Location/Project)
Seasonal Utility Transportation Permit Requirements
Seasonal Utility Transportation Permit Form
Seasonal Agricultural Permit Requirements
Seasonal Agricultural Permit Form
FEE: $50.00 Application Fee, $40.00/hr Estimated Inspection Fee*
R-O-W PERMITS Please Note: New Procedure effective March 2020
Any time work is to be performed in the County Road Right of Way a permit is required. Some examples are, but not limited to:
Residential Driveways |
Commercial Driveways |
Hard-Surface Existing Driveway |
Open Cutting of Roadway |
Grading or Landscaping |
Tree Trimming/Removal |
Fence Installation |
Ditching/Clean Out |
Yard Enclosure |
Roadside Mowing |
Dust Control |
Surveying** |
**Surveyor's may call the office regarding blanket permits and fee schedule.
To obtain a permit please contact the Caro Office at 989-673-2128 during regular business hours.
You will be asked to mark the location so that the location can be inspected by a Road Commission Foreman/Engineer. The permit will be mailed to you within a reasonable amount of time with recommendations listed on the permit. Please see printable insurance requirements and form at the links below. We must have a valid insurance certificate to issue the permit.
Insurance Requirements for R-O-W Permits
Right-of-Way Permit Worksheet
Worksheet MAY be completed with as much information as possible. All other information must be typed into the electronic Permit System by office staff.
Minimum culvert requirements are 20 feet in length and 12 inches in diameter.
Culverts may be purchased for use in the Right-of-Way (with approved permit) from the Road Commission. Call for pricing. Delivery is at no charge upon payment via check or cash. We do not accept credit cards.
No vertical headwalls allowed.
Plastic pipe may be used with the following provisions:
- Corrugated plastic pipe for 12" to 36" only. Must meet AASHTO Standard M-294.
- Metal flared end sections required or plastic pipe must be connected to metal pipe.
- Minimum 12" cover over pipe.
- May be used for yard enclosures. Catch basins are required every 100' or at lot line (varying depending on the road drainage).
- In backfilling, no stones larger than 1 inch diameter shall be placed within 6 inches of pipe.